
Plant Breeding and Genetics
Showing 1 to 12 of 16

Classical and Molecular Approaches in Plant Breeding

Kumar, Amarjeet

Commercial Plant Tissue Culture and Industrial Applications

Ushakumari, R

Fruit Breeding and Genetics

Dinesh / Sankaran

Fundamental of Genetics

Pandian, M

Fundamentals of Plant Breeding

Pandiyan, M. et al

General Agriculture Retention

Sathyanarayana, E

Genetics Problems and solutions for IAS Examinations

Ramachandra, R.K.

Plant Genomics and Recombinant DNA Technology

Bangarwa, S.K.

Plant Tissue Culture : Concepts & Techniques


Principles of Genetics


Principles of Plant Biochemistry

Nagaraj, G.

Principles of Plant Breeding

Showing 1 to 12 of 16