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Plant Tissue Culture : Concepts & Techniques


Year: 2022
eISBN: 9789389996647
Language: ENGLISH

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1. Introduction and Applications of Plant Tissue Culture 2. Laboratory Organization and Requirements .3. Plant Tissue Culture Media .4. Plant Growth Regulators: Preparation and Use 5. Plant Growth Regulators: Biosynthesis and Mode of Action 6. Plant Tissue Culture Processes. 7. Quality Control in Commercial Micropropagation 8. Tissue Culture of Woody Plants  9. Micropropagation 10. Micropropagation of Carnation 11. In vitro Propagation of Perennial Helianthus species 12. Callus Induction from Brassica and Maintenance of the Callus 13. Somatic Embryogenesis 14. Regeneration of Rice Using Somatic Embryogenesis 15. Mutant Selection in Maize .16. Protoplast Isolation, Culture and Fusion 17. Anther and Microspore Culture 18. Artificial Seeds.19. Somaclonal Variation and in vitro Selection. 20. Secondary Metabolites 21. Germplasm Conservation.22. Agrobacterium Mediated Transformation